Thursday, January 21, 2010


  1. What are the skills necessary to be a good cartographer? A good cartographer should be comfortable with GIS, knowledgeable about computer networks and software, know good color/design schemes, knowledgeable about geography, have analytical skills, be able to present to the right audience, and have the ability to work well alone and with others.

  2. Distinguish between the elements that result in a "good map" vs a "bad map". Readability determines whether a map is good or bad. Good maps contain relevant information only, legends, symbols, and colors that aid in interpreting the map. Bad maps can be too cluttered, with words and symbols, and they can be empty missing vital information. Good maps should also be accurate in scale. Good map example: This map is colorful, clear, contains an accurate scale, and has a legend that explains the symbols used. Bad map example: This map is also colorful and clear but it is missing key features.

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